Questions 1 - 10
For each of the questions, read the question first and choose the best answer. Write A, B, C or D in the spaces provided in Answer Sheet 1A.
1. Which of the following helps people to
protect privacy?
- Use authentic software.
- Use public computer.
- Use pirated software.
- Use shared program.
2. The activities above are categorized as
- computer theft
- computer fraud
- computer attacks
- copyright infringement
3. Organizations create tables with arithmetic
function to calculate the average of sales
per annum by using this type of software
A. graphics B. presentation
C. spreadsheet D. word processing
4. A computer network must contain at least
________ computers.
A. one B. two
C. twenty D. hundred
5. Which of the following connection methods would not be used to connect devices between two different offices?
A. infrared B. fiber-optics
C. twisted pairs D. coaxial cables
6. Object-oriented programming
A. is a type of machine language
B. is a type of assembler language
C. converts source code into machine code
D. allows you to interact with objects when
coding software
7. Authoring tools uses the following
I. Card concept
II. Icon concept
III. Multiple concept
IV. Time frame concept
- I and II
- I and III
- I, II and III
- I, II and IV
8. Gaining the attention of the audience is important in a multimedia presentation. This can be achieved by______________
A. using colourful texts
B. inserting a lot of graphics
C. displaying all the content in one page
D. keeping your message as simple as
9. Choose the correct hierarchy of data
A. bit, byte, field, record, database
B. bit, field, record, byte, database
C. bit, byte, record, field, database
D. bit, record, byte, field, database
10. Which of the following are types of information
I. Decision Support System (DSS)
II. Executive Information System (EIS)
III. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
IV. Manager and Staff Information System (MSIS)
- I and II C.. I, and II and III
- I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV
Questions 11 to Question 12 are given in the
form of statements. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ in
the spaces provided in Answer Sheet 1A.
i) Authentication is important in order to
safeguard against unauthorised access and use.
ii) RAM is a non-volatile storage.
iii) ROM chips hold the program and data that the
CPU is presently processing.
i) Communication systems are electronic systems
that transmit data from one location to another.
ii) A computer program is a set of instructions that
directs computer to perform tasks.
iii) High Level Language is machine-dependent
and runs on one type of computer only.
13. Table 1 shows several terms of computer crime
Match the statement with the given answers.
i) Someone tries to access a computer or
network illegally.
ii) Floods and earthquakes can contribute to
computer systems destruction.
iii) A program with intention to prohibit a normal
routine of a computer system.
14. Table 2 shows several application software.
Match the statement with the given answers.
i) Salesmen use this software to demonstrate
products and encourage customers to make
ii) This software is designed to enable users to
create and print textual documents.
15. Match the statement with the given answers.
i) __________translates pseudo codes or
flowcharts into programming language.
ii) ___________to identifies input, output and
processing requirements.
16. Match the various fields in Multimedia with the
statements below.
i) Produce computer games and develop
animations and special effects.
ii) View the design from many aspects and improve
on it before production
Questions 17 - Question 25
Write your answers in the spaces provided in Answer Sheet 1A.
17. refers to rights of individuals and companies to restrict collection and use of information about them.
18. refers to any laws relating to protecting the Internet and other online communication technologies.
19. Speakers and headphones are classified as devices while joysticks and trackballs are classified as devices.
20. The standard protocol for the Internet is______
21. is an expansion card that connects a computer to a network.
22. Multimedia applications can be delivered
through and .
23. Adobe Photoshop is application software which can be used to edit .
24. Data manipulation in a database management system consists of basic operations such as _______.
25. In database management system, __________ is a request for specific data from a database.
Answer all questions.
Jawab semua soalan.
Based on Figure 1, answer the following question:
Berdasarkan Rajah 1, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
State what kind of computer threat is mentioned in the situation above?
Nyatakan jenis ancaman komputer yang
disebutkan dalam situasi di atas.
(b) Give ONE effect of the threat in (a) to Ahmad’s data..
Berikan SATU kesan akibat ancaman yang di (a) kepada data Ahmad
(c) State TWO things that Ahmad can do to enhance the security of his data while accessing the Internet.
Nyatakan DUA perkara yang boleh dilakukan oleh Ahmad untuk
meningkatkan lagi keselamatan data beliau semasa melayari internet.
i. ______________________________________________________

Berdasarkan situasi yang diberi, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
(a) Based on the situation above, name the input device and output device that Ali used.
Berdasarkan situasi di atas, apakah peranti
inputdan peranti output yg digunakan oleh Ali.
i) Input device : ______________
Peranti input: ______________
Berikan dua contoh peranti X.

Berdasarkan situasi yang diberi, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
Namakan fasa kedua dalam membangunkan projek dinyatakan di atas.
State two database objects or tools that should be stated in the project
Nyatakan dua objek atau alat pangkalan data yang seharusnya dinyatakan di dalam projek di atas.
(c) Give one benefit of implementing the project above.
Berikan satu kelebihan perlaksanaan projek di atas.
Based on the situation given, answer the following question:
Berdasarkan situasi yang diberi, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
(a) i. Name a team member that Ashraf did not include in his multimedia development team.
ii. State the role of the team member you
stated in (i)
dalam (i)
included in the above production.
Namakan elemen multimedia yang tidak
dimasukkan di dalam produksi di atas.
ii) Give one example of hardware that can be
used to in (b)(i).
boleh digunakan untuk (b)(i).
Based on the situation given, answer the following question:
Berdasarkan situasi yang diberi, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
(a) What is the problem statement for the above
Apakah pernyataan masalah bagi situasi di
a tas?
____________________________________(1 mark)
(b) State the items for the program that you are going to develop.
Nyatakan item yang terkandung dalam program anda.
i) Input Item : ___________
Item input :
ii) Output item : ______ Item output
(2 marks)
(c) State phase X.
Nyatakan fasa X.
______________________________________________________(1 mark)
Answer Question 1.
Jawab Soalan 1.

Figure 1 shows a computer network at Cyclone Bank. The network consists of two Local Area Network (LANs): LAN A and LAN B which are part of the bank Wide Area Network (WAN). Currently the bank implements two network communications. Apart from the Internet, the bank also has its own intranet to facilitate their internal communications. They are looking to set up extranet as the third form of network communication in the near future.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan rangkaian komputer di Bank Cyclone. Rangkaian ini mengandungi dua Sistem Rangkaian Setempat (LAN): LAN A dan LAN B yang merupakan sebahagian daripada Sistem Rangkaian Luas (WAN) bank tersebut. Pihak bank baru melaksanakan dua komunikasi rangkaian. Selain dari Internet, pihak bank juga mempunyai intranet untuk komunikasi peringkat dalaman. Mereka merancang untuk membangunkan extranet sebagai komunikasi rangkaian ketiga dalam jangka waktu terdekat.
Based on Figure 1,
Berdasarkan Rajah 1,
(a) Explain two differences between the two computer network types of the bank.
Jelaskan dua perbezaan di antara dua jenis rangkaian komputer bank tersebut.
_____________________ (2 marks)
(b) Explain two differences between LAN A topology and LAN B topology.
Jelaskan dua perbezaan di antara topologi LAN A dan topologi LAN B.
(c) Explain two differences between two current network communications in the bank.
(d) Use a specific example to explain the proposed network communication.
Gunakan contoh khusus untuk menjelaskan komunikasi rangkaian yang dirancang di atas.
2. Figure 2 shows five components that support
Salary Payment Information
System (SPIS) of Green Technology Company.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan lima komponen yang

(SMPG) bagi Green Technology Company.
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Based on Figure above,
Berdasarkan Rajah di atas,
(a) Explain the relationship between user and hardware.
(b) Describe two benefits of SMPG to Syarikat Maju Berhad.
Jelaskan dua faedah SMPG kepada Syarikat Maju Berhad.
(c) State two possible threats on the security of SMPG.
Nyatakan sekurang-kurangnya dua perkara yang boleh mengancam keselamatan SMPG.
(d) Explain two effects of the security threats as
stated in (c)
Terangkan dua kesan ancaman
keselamatan yang dinyatakan dalam (c)
3. Figure 3 shows the some of the components of a computer system.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada komponen sistem komputer
Based on Figure 3, answer the following questions.
Berdasarkan Rajah 3, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the information processing cycle and give a brief description.
b) Explain two differences between G and H.
Terangkan dua perbezaan di antara G dan H.